История Чикаго в фотографиях (1871 - 1880).
The ruins of the Courthouse, after the Great Fire, 1871
Kerfoot's 'Business Block,' erected by Mr. W.D. Kerfoot and his clerk at Washington and La Salle Streets on the day after the Great Fire is the office where until recently was the Chamber of Commerce Building, the home of the Chicago Real Estate Board. From left to right: Alexander Wolcott, Emil Rudolph, Geo. Birkhoff, Jr (above), Wm. D. Kerfoot (below), W. A. Merigold, Sam Ashton, 1871
The temporary frame buildings erected for business purposes on the east side of the Avenue, 1871
South Water Street is in the center, 1871
The ruins of the Grand Pacific Hotel after the Great Fire, 1871
The Livestock Pavilion at Halsted and 42nd Streets , 1872
The north wing of the Exposition Building near Monroe Street and Michigan Avenue, 1873
The Chicago Interstate Industrial Exposition, 1873
The Exposition Building from the south end near Jackson Street and Michigan Avenue, 1873
West Washington Street showing the funeral of the Right Reverend Henry John Whitehouse, Bishop of Illinois (August 10), 1874
Pine Street, now North Michigan Avenue, looking north from Erie Street, 1875
The old phaeton house called 'The Cottage' where one could hire a phaeton and for twenty-five cents have a beautiful drive through Washington Park, 1876
This picture shows the old Crib at a time when the Lake was frozen over so that even a sleigh could drive safely, 1877
A toboggan slide at Drexel Boulevard and Forty-fourth Street, reviving pleasant memories of a long gone day when tobogganing was great fun and the danger of accidents was hardly considered. The warming house and the skating-pond at the right could only have added to the pleasure, 1878
The Ariel Bicycle Club, Organized in 1879, was extremely popular in the eighties. The high wheels, introduced in 1876, were in vogue until 1884 when 'safeties' came into use, 1879
Bird's Eye View of Illinois State Penitentiary, 1880